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Everyone has his/her favorite song at a frat party. Whether it is a classic throwback like “Stacy’s Mom” or the newest from Fetty Wap: whenever that song comes on, you can’t help but burst out in dance, singing at the top of your lungs. Music at frat parties can either make or break a party. However, the best part of parties is watching people’s reaction to the music.
There are so many different types of dancers at a party. First, you have the group dancers. Whether there is a group of guys or girls, these people stay with their group the whole night. Usually, they move in a small circle formation and are completely oblivious to the rest of the party. Nobody makes a sudden movement in fear of breaking the group dynamic. However, these groups can be dangerous. Get too close to a group, and you’ll be booty bumped all the way across the room.
Next, you have the solo artists. Have you ever seen that one person just jamming so hard totally unaware of his/her surroundings? That person falls under this category. These solo artists do their “thang” no matter who is looking. They are one with the music and don’t need nobody. In this dependent world we live in, some wonder how on earth these people could dance by themselves. However, much respect to these free birds. They live it up on their own terms and look like they’re having a great time.
You also have the wall bumpers. These people are exactly what they sound like. They usually hang around the edges of the party and observe and bob. They don’t go crazy like the solo artists, but they seem to genuinely enjoy themselves. They nod and shuffle and are super chill. You can’t really say that they’re dancing, but they still make up a big part of the party.
The interpretive dancers are by far my favorites. They do not care in the slightest who is watching and their dance moves are rocking. They truly feel the music in their souls and their body is merely a puppet to the beat. You’ll see these people leaping across the room and creating their own space to dance in. They are so captured in the moment and the music, nobody can break their trance.
Finally, there are the people who think they’re good at dancing, but aren’t. I respect these people the most. They put themselves out there and are so willing to express themselves, but it might physically hurt people to see them. Their moves are generally jerky and odd and almost never match the beat of the music — just, not good. I can’t say that I am the best dancer, but it is very obvious when you see one of these people.
Overall, the dancers at parties are quite a source of entertainment. You might even be thinking now, “which category do I fit under?” Next time you’re out, look out for these people. And whatever kind of dancer you are just keep dancing. Fetty Wap would want that.
“It goes great with almost anything, but I like pairing it with black skinnies and flats,” senior Gabi Navarro said. “I love this coat because it is flattering and keeps you warm in the most elegant way.”