(Courtesy of Student Government)
Executive Reports
President Miles Middleton shared that the graduating Class of 2021 is looking to put together a video thanking front line workers but that more details may come in the next few weeks. He also shared that the former “Pizza with the Police” event will be reshaped to have the WFU Police Department attend next week’s food truck event from 5-7 p.m. on Tuesday, April 13. Speaker of the House Ally Swatzberg encouraged individuals to thank their faculty this week to celebrate Faculty Appreciation Week and reported that the Deacon Dining Appreciation Day had gone successfully. Treasurer Victoria Parker, the chair of the Student Government Elections Committee, shared that election campaigning will last from Tuesday, April 6 at 9 p.m. until April 13 at 12 p.m. She also reported that applications for the Student Budget Advisory Committee will be sent out shortly for the next school year.
Committee Reports
The Academic Committee reported on Faculty Appreciation Week and the events they had organized for the faculty on campus including a free Camino coffee on Monday, Apr. 5 and a sweet treat on Thursday, April 8. The Judiciary Committee is continuing to work on their archival review project of old Student Government records. The Physical Planning Committee reported that they are planning for Earth Week which will take place from April 19 to April 23. The Student Organizations Council is continuing to reach out to student organizations to answer any questions they may have.
New Business
Two resolutions were passed in the Senate Tuesday night. The first resolution, Senate Resolution 12, included a role change of the chair of the Elections Committee from Student Government President to Student Government Treasurer. Because of personal conflicts of interest, President Miles Middleton is unable to serve as the chair of the Elections Committee for the Spring 2021 election cycle. Treasurer Victoria Parker will take his place as chair of the committee to maintain the integrity of the election process. This change will only be in effect for the 2021 election cycle. The second resolution, Senate Resolution 13, included a co-sponsorship with the Pre-Dental Student Association Dental Drive, which is aimed at collecting dental supplies for the Winston-Salem community and promoting oral health and oral health literacy in the area.