Brooke Blair is a rising senior from Thomasville, N.C. majoring in Politics and International Affairs and minoring in Journalism and Sociology. She has served on Student Government for two years and is currently the Public Relations co-chair. While at Wake, Blair has been a member of the Honors and Ethics Council, Phi Alpha Delta pre-law fraternity, and a Wake Downtown Ambassador.
Additionally, Blair has served as the treasurer and fundraising committee member for Alpha Phi Omega Service Fraternity, the largest organization on campus. She has served as a member for the Student Budget Advisory Committee (SBAC) for two years and has helped advise organizations throughout the funding process.
Blair has been heavily involved in the Winston-Salem community and volunteers weekly at the Shalom Project. She has also volunteered at the diaper bank, Latino Community Services, and Habitat for Humanity. On campus, Blair helped to coordinate fundraisers for the Brian Piccolo Cancer Research fund and assisted in organizing Student Government’s Mental Health Week.
Blair has several key goals she wants to pursue as treasurer. Firstly, she wants to promote clarity throughout the funding process. She recognizes that the funding and reallocation process can be somewhat complicated, and she seeks to make the system more transparent. This includes creating a document to be displayed on the treasurer’s portal that breaks down any questions an organization may have, and who they would contact for this issue. The document will also contain explicit funding guidelines and give organizations a better understanding of what SBAC can offer.
Blair will strive to strengthen the relationship between SBAC and the Student Activity Fee Fund (SAFF). She believes that this is an essential component to the funding process for student organizations and wants to promote their office. Blair feels that SAF funding helps to unite campus through activities and wants organizations to be more aware of this funding option.
Additionally, Blair will hold treasurer workshops for the new organizations that are being chartered. She believes it is essential that new organizations understand how SBAC operates and once the chartering process restarts, she will reach out to the new organizations. Blair will open these workshops to anyone who wants to participate and will utilize these events to better educate students leaders about SBAC and SAFF.
Blair has been a dedicated member of the Wake Forest community and has worked to make Student Government and SBAC representative of the entire student body. Her comprehensive view and experience as a campus leader allows her to represent a wide array of students and support their organization throughout the funding process.