(Courtesy of Student Government)
Executive Reports
President Miles Middleton commented on the verdict of the Derek Chauvin trial and reminded students that the work for justice continues beyond this case. He also reported that he is working closely with Speaker of the House Ally Swartzberg in her transition to become the next Student Government president. Swartzberg congratulated Student Government individuals who had received S.O.A.R awards and also discussed the transition to president. Both Swartzberg and Middleton discussed the university vaccine requirement and what that means for students next fall. Treasurer Victoria Parker shared that the Student Budget Advisory Committee (SBAC) application has opened for next fall and the application can be found on The Link. Chief of Staff Drew Skilton shared that he will be working on a video to be played at graduation that thanks front-line workers.
Committee Reports
The Academic Committee shared that they have a meeting with Dean of the College Michelle Gillespie and the Campus Life Committee has a meeting with Vice President for Campus Life Penny Rue within the next week. The Physical Planning and Public Relations Committees shared that this week is Earth Week and that the Student Government Instagram (@wake_sg) is promoting many activities that encourage students to get involved. The Student Organizations Council is continuing to work on the chartering process for student organizations that will resume next year.
New Business
There were two constituent concerns raised. One concern was about landscaping in the early morning hours that has been waking up students and the other was about the amount of fire alarms on campus. Both concerns are being addressed by the Physical Planning Committee.