David Ajamy/Old Gold & Black
“I don’t know when it started.
or when it began.
rather when I began.
the most recent memory beyond my first act in life, is being poured in some tin bin
surrounded by my kind.
its dark, the steam is rising around me.
I am drowning within the pool of my people.
suddenly the light hits me
I hear the battle cry, “WELCOME TO MOES”
a silver spoon comes down on me.
I am scooped up and toppled on top of an over cooked white grain of sorts.
the white grain and I are new residents in some sort of raft bowl sort thing is pushed down.
a shredded rainfall comes down on me.
immediately without remorse or warning, a flood of steaming coagulating stew of pure whiteness comes down
green, orange, and red colors swirl around me and keel over my almost lifeless body.
I am losing control of my mind in every fashion
I feel my raft being lifted and moved at unimaginable speeds. where am I going?
what is my fate? for I have no idea what comes
the world is shaking
I cry out for help
yet none of my words are understood in this world
my mind is truly gone, i am blacking out
from sprout to bean, then finally within a shuttle that has no regard to me
when growing, I was loved and treated with respect
what has changed
abruptly the craft of travel I am in seems to fall, as if I was deployed from a plane
the carrier top opens and I begin my descent
from darkness to the light of day
however this light shines bright on the grey surface of my new world
everything in the carrier is thrown out, scattered
the brightness is too much
I can’t see
yet I feel it
the heat
the sun that once allowed me to grow to everywhere
I guess it will allow me to die too
this was the last message from BB#2783
We traced his location
and found this gruesome scene, beware readers