• Unknown offender sent a fraudulent text message. The report was filed on Feb. 10 at 1:09 p.m.
• Offender hacked into Snapchat accounts, stole nude photos and threatened to post them online. The report was filed on Feb. 14 at 1:42 a.m.
• Unknown subject stole a bicycle left outside Farrell. The report was filed on Feb. 10 at 5:00 p.m.
• Unknown subject removed $30 from a student’s room in Johnson. The report was filed on Feb. 12 at 2:00 a.m.
• Chick-fil-a employee removed the cash drawer from the register. The report was filed on Feb. 12 at 10:30 a.m.
• Unknown subject removed a laptop from a classroom in Worrell. The report was filed on Feb. 14 at 2:35 p.m.
• Unknown subject removed money from the Subway register. The report was filed on Feb. 16 at 3:40 a.m.
Underage Consumption/Alcohol Abuse
• Offender was observed drinking a White Claw in Johnson and was reported by his RA for a bottle of Vodka found in his freezer. The report was filed on Feb. 13 at 11:07 p.m.
• Offender was found intoxicated in Johnson. The report was filed on Feb. 13 at 11:07 p.m.
• Offender consumed alcohol underage, became sick and was transported from Kitchin to WFUBMC. The report was filed on Feb. 15 at 1:54 a.m.
• Offender was found intoxicated and transported from South to WFUBMC. The report was filed on Feb. 16 at 12:30 a.m.
• Offender was found intoxicated and transported from Lot B to WFUBMC. The report was filed on Feb. 16 at 2:54 a.m.