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"Covers the campus like the magnolias"

Old Gold & Black

'Covers the campus like the magnolias'
"Covers the campus like the magnolias"

Old Gold & Black

"Covers the campus like the magnolias"

Old Gold & Black

Vile Views Of "Others" Spread As The Right Grows

Vile Views Of “Others” Spread As The Right Grows

Wesley Skidmore September 27, 2018

Close to eight months ago, I was studying for a test when I overheard two students conversing about conflicts that had recently occurred involving Israel’s army and Palestinian protesters. I recognized...

Olivier Douliery/Abaca Press/TNS

The U.S. needs Sanders’ sensible ideas

Wesley Skidmore January 14, 2016

Socialism is a scary word if you live in modern-day America. The capitalistic corporations that sneak advertisements and subliminal messages into every hour of our lives have made sure of it. And when...

The U.N. must reduce carbon emissions

The U.N. must reduce carbon emissions

Wesley Skidmore November 12, 2015

On the last day of November of 2015, the 21st United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of Parties (UNFCCC COP 21) will take place in Paris, France. The UNFCCC COP 21 is the most...

James Edward Bates/Biloxi Sun Herald/MCT

ExxonMobil concealed climate change data

Wesley Skidmore October 29, 2015

ExxonMobil, one of the world’s leading fossil fuel companies, has recently been the subject of an extremely popular social media hashtag: #ExxonKnew. I, like many other social media users, had no idea...

Film event will unearth fossil fuel battle

Film event will unearth fossil fuel battle

Wesley Skidmore October 15, 2015

Dear members of the Wake Forest community, Naomi Klein’s This Changes Everything is a monumental, game-changing book depicting the pitfalls of modern capitalism, and how the environment, minority groups...

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