Jadyn Ives
My name is Jadyn Ives, and I am a senior economics and mathematics major from Newtown, Connecticut. Some fun facts about me are that my favorite television show is “Chopped,” I currently have a cardboard cutout of Captain Kirk from “Star Trek” in my living room and that I’ve broken both of my ankles (though not at the same time).
Over the course of my four year at Wake Forest, I’ve become heavily involved in many organizations, most notably A.S.I.A., Student Union and The Howler. Through each of these organizations, I have been able to connect with many students and faculty on campus and create fun events that are able to both provide knowledge about a topic and create a fun atmosphere. In addition to being members of these organizations, I serve as an economics peer tutor through C.L.A.S.S. and do research for Professors Ryngaert and Lakdawala in the Economics Department.
I’d love to have the honor of being Wake Forest’s Homecoming Queen because I think that in many ways, I embody the motto of Pro Humanitate and the spirit of Wake Forest. Through my involvement on campus, I’ve tried to create events and spaces where students felt comfortable enough to express themselves and also step out of their comfort zone to try something new. Finding these spaces was personally very important to me when I was deciding where to attend college, so carrying on those traditions once I enrolled was key. I also strive to work hard both academically and socially, keeping up with my workload while also maintaining friendships, striking a good work life balance.