Treasurer: Tim Erday

Courtesy of Student Government

Platform Summary

My candidacy for treasurer relies on three key tenets to make funding more accessible and digestible to the students of Wake Forest. First, we need greater clarity in the funding process. With the organizational chartering process back in action this year, we’ve seen a rise in the number of new student organizations. I want to ensure that these organizations, along with previously existing groups, understand and can utilize the many funding avenues that exist. We have a lot of money to work with, and I want to see to it that students have access to every dollar. Second, it is imperative that we continue to strengthen the relationship between the Student Budget Advisory Committee (SBAC) and the Student Activity Fee Fund (SAF), both of which have the goal of getting money in the hands of students. In the past, people have seen them as acting separately from one another, where receiving funding from one fund may bar you from the other. Instead, I want to see a future where students understand the relationship between the two and can mix and match sources to achieve the best funding outcome possible. Finally, we must work to ensure that funding guidelines best address the needs of students today. Under the current rules, items ranging from Ubers to airfare to food at club meetings are restricted at a hard line. When the rules were originally written, many of these were appropriate, but it is time that we go back and ask if that is still the case today. If not, let’s see where we can adapt. At the end of the day, I see my job as having one single mission: to get every dollar possible into the hands of student organizations, and I believe that through the efforts outlined above, this is more than possible. 


I am a current sophomore from Summit, NJ majoring in finance and minoring in philosophy. I have served on Student Government for two years and am currently the speaker pro tempore of the Senate and a member of the Physical Planning Committee. While at Wake, I have been a part of the Pre-Wall Street Career Track through the School of Business and am a member of the Student Advising Leadership Council (SALC). 

Additionally, I have served on the Student Budget Advisory Committee (SBAC) for one year where I’ve worked with a variety of organizations throughout their funding processes. I have also been the representative for Student Government on the Student Activity Fee Fund (SAF).

As treasurer, I have several top priorities I want to pursue. First, I would like to see a greater amount of clarity in the funding process. I see this issue as particularly relevant with the organizational chartering process back up and running, leading to an increased number of first-time presidents and treasurers who may not know where to start when it comes to funding. I believe this effort begins with updating the SBAC website with information regarding each organization’s individual SBAC representative, the location of key funding dates, and explanations of the differences between capital, contingency and reallocation requests so that an organization knows when and how to ask for what. I also want to further expand these updates to provide a better explanation of the many sources of funding that the University has to offer students and how each avenue can be utilized to create the best funding outcome possible. 

Next, I would like to see a strengthened relationship between SBAC and SAF. Having had the opportunity to serve on both committees, I have a strong understanding of the similarities and differences between the two funding sources. In my view, SAF is an integral part of the funding landscape at Wake Forest, and I want to make students more aware of the times when SAF funding is an option. In doing so, I believe that it will be easier and more efficient for organizations to seek funding for key events that serve to unite our campus.  

Finally, I want to ensure that the funding guidelines for SBAC are in line with the needs of students today. For example, I believe it would be helpful to look into the rationale behind disallowing funding for Uber and other rideshare apps when traveling, only paying for airfare under select circumstances, or choosing certain hardline limits for purchases within specific categories. Having served on SBAC previously, I understand that these rules are in place for a reason, but I would like to find out where it may be possible to innovate for today.

During my time at Wake, I have been a dedicated member of the community and have vigilantly worked to ensure both Student Government and SBAC are serving the student body. My comprehensive resume as a student leader in a plethora of different situations makes me uniquely qualified to ensure that organizations have the support they need throughout the funding process. 

Editor’s Note: This statement has been edited for clarity and AP Style.


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