Photo: Katie Fox The Old Gold & Black editorial board poses in front of Wait Chapel after a successful semester.

2022 Innovation Pacemaker Application

A lot has changed since August 2021 at the Old Gold & Black, but what has not changed is our commitment to quality journalism

The 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years changed the field of student journalism a lot. At the Old Gold & Black, reporters and editors were sent home, along with all other students, and reported online for months. We learned to make more digital content, and we put out coverage entirely online when we were sent home or barred from our office.

This school year, we decided to build on what we had learned and grow from the challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. In the following application, you will see how we expanded our staff, expanded our reach, increased our accessibility and reminded the local community of our relevance in the 2021-2022 academic year.

Special Reports
Print redesign
Online redesign
The Magnolia
The Features section
Multimedia expansion

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