Courtesy of Goodreads

“The Hating Game”‘s plot is engaging and leaves you wanting more.

“The Hating Game” by Sally Thorne ★★★★

This novel follows the story of Lucy Hutton and Joshua Templeman, two [position here]s who work at different publishing firms. Despite Hutton’s dislike for Templean, when their companies merge, she has to learn how to tolerate him because they now sit across from each other at work. But maybe what Hutton feels isn’t 100% hatred. Templeman fails to understand Hutton’s bright clothes, vibrant personality and quirks, and Hutton can’t understand Templeman’s uptight, meticulous and joyless approach to life. They are both up for the same promotion, and the tension between them boils down to something more than workplace nemeses.

Hutton and Templeman share funny banter right from the start that got me hooked. As the plot progressed, the tension and attraction they shared kept getting stronger and visibly obvious. Their love-hate relationship throughout made it that much better when they finally did get together. The characters are larger than life, the plot is simple, comforting, engaging and leaves you wanting more. It definitely fits the definition of a romantic comedy and is a perfect read for those who like them. I finished the book in one sitting and would definitely read it again. “The Hating Game” leaves you with a smile on your face and is a must-read if you are a sucker for happy endings like me.

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