"Covers the campus like the magnolias"

Old Gold & Black

'Covers the campus like the magnolias'
"Covers the campus like the magnolias"

Old Gold & Black

"Covers the campus like the magnolias"

Old Gold & Black

German Studies: Zach Bokhari

(Courtesy of Zach Bokhari)

Zach Bokhari’s journey at Wake Forest is a testament to the transformative power of education. From uncertain beginnings to discovering his passion for German studies and psychology, Bokhari’s Wake Forest story embodies a commitment to curiosity and the courageous pursuit of his distinctive path.

When Bokhari first stepped onto Wake Forest’s campus, he was enticed not only by its beauty but also by the intimate learning environment. Having visited numerous times while his older sister attended, Bokhari was drawn to the close-knit community and the genuine warmth of the professors. 

“I remember getting cold-called by the professor as a joke,” Bokhari said. “The entire atmosphere was friendly and light-hearted. I loved it.” 

The welcoming atmosphere, in combination with the opportunity for meaningful connections with professors and peers, ultimately reaffirmed to Bokhari that Wake Forest was the perfect place for him. 

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Arriving at Wake Forest with aspirations in the sciences, Bokhari’s academic path took an unforeseen turn when he became captivated by the German language and culture. Guided by professors like Dr. Heiko Wiggers and Dr. Rebecca Thomas, Bokhari’s curiosity was sparked, leading him down a new path of intellectual self-discovery. Immersed in the complexities of German literature and history, Bokhari found a sense of belonging within the welcoming community of the German studies department. 

“The German faculty and other major students are extremely welcoming … I always felt like I fit in,” he reflected. Surrounded by supportive peers and mentors, Bokhari flourished, delving into his studies with passion and dedication.

An unforgettable highlight of Bokhari’s undergraduate journey was his study abroad experience in Vienna, Austria. 

Reflecting on his initial reservations about studying abroad as a pre-med student, Bokhari recalled, “I had zero thought of ever studying abroad since I had been told it would be hard for pre-med students to do so.” 

However, through the Wake Forest University Flow House program, he found himself immersed in the rich culture and history of Austria, expanding his horizons and forging lifelong memories and connections. Living among the historical beauty of the city, Bokhari absorbed the vibrant atmosphere, engaged with locals and deepened his understanding of German language and culture. 

Through this experience, Bokhari gained a unique perspective on global citizenship, broadening his academic horizons and cultivating a profound appreciation for cultural diversity. The Flow House enriched Bokhari’s academic pursuits with real-world insights and laid the groundwork for a future characterized by cross-cultural understanding and empathy.

As Bokhari prepares to take the next step in his journey toward becoming a physician, he reflects on the profound impact of his time at Wake Forest University. 

“I am excited to take the next step in my journey to becoming a physician, but [I] am also scared to leave behind the amazing people and professors here at Wake [Forest],” Bokhari admitted. 

Indeed, his four years at Wake Forest have been transformative, shaping him into the person he is today. Through challenges and triumphs, Bokhari has grown in wisdom and self-awareness, embracing the philosophy that “I know what I know, and I know what I don’t know.” 

As he looks towards the future, Bokhari carries with him not only the knowledge gained in his studies but also the cherished memories and connections forged at Wake Forest. 

“The people here are the best, and I will always have and keep a connection to them, even 10 years down the road,” Bokhari concluded, with gratitude and anticipation for the journey ahead.

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About the Contributor
Dillon Clark
Dillon Clark, Asst. Opinion Editor
Dillon is a sophomore from Washington, D.C. majoring in politics and international affairs and economics. Outside of the OGB, he is a member of the club lacrosse team and the Alexander Hamilton Society. In his free time, you can find him playing the guitar, playing pick up basketball or listening to music.

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