Emily Beisler knew she wanted to major in education since she was in middle school. Her mom and sister both went to Wake Forest so when she was looking for colleges and saw that Wake Forest had an education program, she knew it was the right choice.
“I love kids and I love being around kids all day long,” Beisler said. “I love seeing that moment when a kid understands something and they get so excited about learning.”
The education department is unique because it is much smaller than other departments at Wake Forest. Beisler’s cohort consists of just seven students,which makes the faculty easily accessible to all of them. She also believes that her professors truly want to see them grow and learn as students. Her favorite thing about the education department is the internships and student teaching opportunities.
“I just love all of the build-up to student teaching of being in the classroom, making lesson plans, being with students and learning hands on that way,” Beisler said.
“You meet certain people in your life that simply make you smile,” said professor Adam Dovico. “Emily is one of those people. She can make the most gloomy room brighter just by being herself. Her positive, upbeat personality is contagious and I’ve seen it spread to her peers, her fourth grade students and colleagues. It’s been a pleasure working with Emily the past three years on her journey to be an educator, and I know she is going to leave a lasting impact on her students.”
Outside of her involvement in the education department, Beisler has also been a member of the Dance Team since her freshman year. Her favorite memories include being with her friends on the team, storming the court at their final home basketball game and winning the military bowl.
“I can’t imagine my Wake Forest experience without being on the dance team,” Beisler said. “I love cheering on the Deacs at every game.”
When asked what advice to give upcoming freshmen, she said, “I would tell them to take risks choosing divisionals. There are a bunch of education classes that are divisionals, so you can see if you like it.”
Beisler also said that for people majoring in education, she would tell them to not get stressed because there are always people around to help them out and make sure they are on the right track.
Beisler is grateful for the amazing faculty, the beautiful campus and the lasting friendships she has made while at Wake Forest. When asked about her favorite memory at Wake Forest she said, “My sister and I overlapped at Wake together for two semesters. I loved experiencing my first year with her.”
After graduation, Beisler will be attending George Washington University starting this summer for her education master’s program.
“I hope to be teaching in the D.C. or northern Virginia area afterwards.” Beisler said. “I would love to teach fourth grade.”
Beisler originally thought she wanted to be a first or second grade teacher but after her student teaching experience last semester, she was sold on the older grades.
“I love getting them excited about learning and they get my jokes.” Beisler said. “I hope to get my gifted certification and teach a diverse population.”