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Wake Forest's Best Study Spots

Wake Forest’s Best Study Spots

“Work Forest” is a nickname that most of you freshmen have undoubtedly heard; when classes start, the full extent of its meaning will be impressed upon you. It is the unfortunate responsibility of the Old Gold & Black to be the bearers of bad news: another, unforeseen difficulty awaits you. Where will your foundation of your academic triumphs be built? How can you know what scenery will most potently increase your productivity?

Don’t fret! Our campus is teeming with a variety of spectacular places to get your study game on. And not only that, we at the OGB have put together a handy guide to the best study spots.

Study Spot Staples

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The Z. Smith Reynolds Library, affectionately dubbed the ZSR, is the obvious first stop for any student. The more sociable studiers would enjoy the immense atrium on the ground floor, but those who need isolation will also feel at home here, as the building has eight more floors teeming with nooks and crannies to cram in. There is also a Starbucks for the caffeine-inclined on the ground floor with plenty of tables and a room that is open for 24 hours a day right across the way. This room also has a recliner-filled corner named the “ziesta room,” for those in need of a quick nap in between assignments.

The Benson University Center, adjacent to the ZSR, is also a great place to study. This building is home to many student organization rooms and administrative offices, but still has a plethora of chairs and couches for students to bear down on. The ground floor has a food court if you need brain nourishment.

Hidden Gems

The Pit, everyone’s favorite dining hall, is a supremely undervalued spot to hit the books. Many upperclassmen like to camp out in the Pit while they work, a practice called a “Pit sit.” Its central location allows for efficiency when studying between classes as well as the advantage of easy meals. You can even save a Pit swipe or two if you stay for multiple meals. Unlimited coffee really helps put the edge on for an all-day grind.

Speaking of caffeine, Campus Grounds is another study spot deserving of more freshman love. Nestled in the front of Taylor Residence Hall, the student-run coffee shop serves cold and hot drinks, steeped in love and guaranteed to provide the edge you need to finish that paper or ace that exam.

Another hidden gem can be found all around South Campus: the academic buildings. Many freshmen assume that these buildings are off-limits in the evenings; not an erroneous assumption, as faculty and student organizations sometimes make use of them. However, a great number of classrooms are unoccupied during these times, and make for nice private study spaces. You can also bring a friend, or several friends, if you like studying in groups. Come finals week, it will be hard to find rooms that are not filled with other students!

You can also find some great study spots at Wake Downtown, our campus in downtown Winston-Salem. This part of campus is mostly unknown among the underclassmen, so if you want to get an edge on your peers, hop on the shuttle bus in front of Benson. Plenty of food and beverage options are downtown if you need a quick break.

Secret Study Spots

These spots are of the utmost secrecy, yet we at the newspaper are obligated by the tenets of journalism to pass this information on to you, at the risk of irritating the powers that be. Still, we ask you to please keep these on the down-low.

The Wake Forest Law School, right across the way from the practice fields, is an excellent spot to hit the books. Its lobby sports a variety of sprawling tables decorated with outlets, and is almost always deserted, except for the occasional law student. It even has a café.

By Winston Hall on South Campus there is a trail that leads to Reynolda Village, a quaint cluster of shops and restaurants adorned by some of the most scenic sights our school offers.

While not technically on-campus, it is still a picturesque spot for those in need of some peace and quiet, away from the hustle and bustle of our beloved university.

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