This year, over 200 student organizations will deliver elevator pitches to students in short videos during a virtual student involvement fair.
With so many videos to watch and opportunities available, it’s important to remember that a meaningful commitment to one or a few student organizations are better than weak attachments to too many clubs. You will ultimately have to balance your extracurricular involvements with your academic work and social life, so you want to make sure that you are making smart decisions and finding activities that bring you joy and add meaning to your life.
First, you need to figure out what you are looking for in a student organization and how it will cater to your interests and passions before you start to sign up for countless meetings and block out all of your free time for the next few weeks or months.
One option is to consider which of your extracurricular involvements in high school meant the most to you and whether there are opportunities to continue this activity in college. That might mean running for Student Government or trying out for the Mock Trial team if you were on a high school debate team or trying out for a club sport team if you played sports in high school. Or, your high school experience might also indicate that you should not sign up for a club similar to one that you didn’t enjoy previously.
If you have a special talent or passion, there are also many artistic outlets on campus. You can try your hand at sketch comedy with the Lilting Banshees Comedy Troupe, join an a cappella group if you are musically gifted or join a dance group like the Setting the Groove Tap Club.
You can also branch out and join student organizations that weren’t offered at your high school, but now interest you and align with your interests in college. You could learn more about sustainability and the environment by joining the Sustainability Leadership Group, or advocate for human rights as a member of the International Justice Mission.
You can also find ways to venture beyond the campus and serve the local Winston-Salem community. You might decide to volunteer at Campus Kitchen, join Alpha Phi Omega (the co-ed service fraternity) or become a member of a committee for Wake N’ Shake or Project Pumpkin. There are lots of ways you can actively show the Pro Humanitate spirit both on and off campus.
If you’re still unsure about which organization would be the best fit for you, seek out advice or recommendations from other students or faculty members. There are some organizations, such as the Pre-Law Society or The Neuroscience Club, that may align with your academic or career interests. Or, there may be organizations like Outdoor Pursuits or Student Union in which your friends might be involved, and they might ask you to join them.
With all of these suggestions, keep in mind that no club is one-size-fits-all. You may even decide to switch organizations or pick up a new activity later in your college career. You might not feel like any of them seem appealing right now, and that is also okay.
Whatever you decide, you will always have the opportunity to change directions and pursue new opportunities.