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To Rush Or Not To Rush: Pro-Greek

To Rush Or Not To Rush: Pro-Greek

Whether or not to rush a Greek organization is a difficult decision, but perhaps less so at Wake Forest. With rush occurring at the start of the spring semester each year, all students have ample time to acclimate to campus life and weigh their options.

Ultimately, this self-directed search process leads more than half of Wake Forest students to the decision that they should join a sorority or fraternity.

One notable reason to go through the rush process is to diversify and broaden your social network. You can meet new people in your grade and bond over shared experiences during events and traditions within your organization. Greek life also gives you the opportunity to befriend upperclassmen who can give you valuable and helpful advice on classes, social life, studying abroad, extracurricular involvement and many other matters pertinent to your college experience. Whether through your Greek lineage of “bigs” and “littles” or larger group of members, you are likely to form life-long friendships within your organization and create countless new memories throughout your next few years of membership.

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Additionally, you will likely find new ways to expand your leadership skills and become involved in extracurriculars. Whether you find a position in your sorority or fraternity as an officer or accompany your new “big” to a community service event, you are likely to find a multitude of ways to channel your passions into both leading and serving others.

Building on this aspect of Greek life, members are also encouraged to actively carry out the Pro Humanitate spirit of Wake Forest. One key tenet of Greek life is organizing and hosting a plethora of philanthropic events on campus. Also, Greek organizations regularly form teams that participate in popular campus fundraisers such as Wake ’N Shake or Hit the Bricks. Finding ways to serve the community around you is much easier when you join a Greek organization.

In addition to these social advantages, you will likely find other tangible benefits. As a part of Greek life, you are much more likely to have better options for housing on campus. From North Campus Apartments to dorms near the quad, you are much more likely to secure an ideal rooming spot with your friends by applying to live in your Greek organization’s housing block. As an added bonus, many of these housing arrangements are adjoined by a lounge area for active members to use for anything from attending formally organized events to just hanging out with their friends.

However, keep in mind that the location or name of a Greek organization is not the sole determinant of your college experience. Have an open mind throughout your first semester and decide if rushing is the right option for you. Whichever path you opt to pursue, you will still be able to make friends from all corners of campus and become involved in different aspects of campus life.

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