
April 28, 2022

This year, the “Features” section joined the OGB. In short, the features section features human interest stories, achievements, club profiles, and an environmental science beat. The features section has seen significant growth, and we’ve highlighted many important people and organizations. 

Wake Forest University has shaped the lives of some fascinating people; entrepreneurs, scientists, social media icons, and social justice activists are all united by the influence of this university and its Pro Humanitate spirit. Deacon Profiles, which spotlight one of these individuals each week, have been a joy to write. In their own words, we have heard from students, faculty, and alumni about their passions and projects — the highlights as well as the difficulties — and had the opportunity to share their stories publicly. In particular, the Deacon Profiles featuring Will Wahl, Corey D.B. Walker, Ashlyn Sanders, and Caroline Phillips were personal favorites of ours and highlight the diversity of areas in which Wake students thrive.

Features covered many events, such as Earth Month. (Courtesy of the Office of Sustainability)

This semester, the features section also included a page-long spotlight on environmental and sustainability stories. We had the pleasure of highlighting many different interdisciplinary environmental clubs and organizations on campus, such as Environmental Educators, the Campus Garden and Wayward Fashion. Our coverage of environmental news spanned from the Weaver fertilizer plant fire to Poet Laureate Joy Harjo’s leadership through environmentally-themed poetry, art, and song. As climate change threatens our future, environmental education is more paramount than ever. We are honored to have had the opportunity to inform and inspire the rest of campus about an all-encompassing topic that will impact all of our lives, and all of our futures. 

Over the course of this semester, we have also featured many intriguing and special groups and organizations. Some of our favorite profiles included that of the Black Student Alliance, Athena’s Lifting Club, Dating Deacons, and the ‘Living in Color’ first year seminar. Other exciting spotlights include that of the DESK community service event, Bridging the Gap, and the club equestrian team. We’ve also dived into the Winston-Salem community by highlighting the A/Perture Cinema, the restaurant ‘Six Hundred Degrees,’ and the North Star LGBTQ+ community center.  We’ve thoroughly enjoyed learning more about all of these interesting groups on campus and in our community, and can’t wait to dive into more next semester.

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