Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016 was a day that not only the entire country was excited and nervous about, but the entire world.
Election Day is always anxiety-filled, but this year’s election had a different tone to it due to the divisiveness of the American people and political ideals.
As one of the most controversial and intense presidential elections, the country has been torn up these last few months with the media coverage and the campaign strategies executed by both sides.
Now, two days after the election, the country has had time to process what the election results mean and their excitement or disappointment. While this election has been highly controversial and filled with negative rhetoric, it is time to move forward with what will happen Jan. 20, 2017.
Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States.
While the country was ultimately split right down the middle on who to elect, this is a reality that we all face whether we are happy with it or are not.
The editors of the Old Gold & Black encourage that all students, regardless of their political affiliations, take a step back and respect the views and tolerate others.
What this country needs is a uniting front to bring the people from all backgrounds together.
Regardless if you voted for Trump or Hillary Clinton, we hope that each student on this campus and that the general public can respect each other and take the next four years as they come.
Both candidates bring positive and negative qualities to the table and a vote for either does not mean that the person exemplifies the qualities of that candidate and agrees 100 percent.
While many are unhappy and angered by the outcome of the election, we hope that everyone can listen to the views of the other side and not fight, but learn and understand.
This election has divided the country, but moving forward, we need to come together and rebuild what has been lost — respect for one another and for our government.
We hope that each student, staff and faculty member can feel safe and respected on this campus regardless of political beliefs.
Members of the Wake Forest community should not feel unsafe coming to campus so we hope that everyone moves forward with kindness and treats others fairly and respectfully.