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The Wake Forest bucket list

The Wake Forest bucket list

Your time at Wake Forest will go by in a blink of the eye — make sure to check everything off before you cross the stage.

Find/Explore the Tunnels

Although we’re not sure why they’re there or how they got there, there are tunnels underneath Wake Forest’s campus. You’ll be able to sign up for a tour as a senior, but it’s always fun to try to find them for yourself first!

Have a  Late-Night Cookout Milkshake

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Cookout is unique to the South, so especially if you’re a Northerner, do yourself a favor and try the fast food chain’s delicious milkshakes. They come in every flavor imaginable. If you’re feeling extra indulgent, try their trays. It’s a lot of greasy food for very little money — perfect for a college student!

Study Abroad

Wake Forest has one of the best study abroad offices in the country, offering 400 locations worldwide. And they clearly know what they’re doing, since more than 60% of our students study abroad for at least one semester. Every student who has studied abroad will probably list it at as one of their favorite semesters. Don’t miss out on this experience.

Pull an All-Nighter

You can’t go through college without staying up all night, whether it’s from partying, or from some hasty cramming because you were up partying all weekend. You’ll feel terrible the next day, but it’s impossible to get through college without one of these.

Befriend a Pit Worker

The Wake Forest staff consists of some of the nicest people you will ever meet. Take some time to get to know the people who feed you — they’re very friendly, and the interaction will brighten both of your days.

Drink a Pitcher of Beer at Shorty’s

Most of you aren’t 21 yet, but once you are, there’s nothing like drinking a pitcher at Shorty’s with your friends on a warm spring afternoon. Shorty’s has a great deal on pitchers, so there’s absolutely no reason to miss this one.

Streak the Quad

Normally we would not recommend public nudity, but we couldn’t exclude this risky task from our checklist. It is a tradition, after all …

Sign the Bell Tower

You’ll come to love the bell tower over your four years here — it’s the essence of “Mother So Dear.” So make sure you leave your mark on it by signing it either on your senior tour or during your own exploration.

Visit the Old Campus

Does it seem weird that Wake Forest University isn’t located in Wake Forest, N.C.? That’s because we moved campuses in 1956 to be closer to the new medical school. However, the old Wake Forest campus still exists, and it’s worth a visit — it’s (almost) as pretty as our current one.

Go on the Roof of at Least One Building

You can manage to get to the top of almost all of the buildings on campus. Of course you can get to the top of your dorms pretty easily, but try to branch out and see the campus from a whole different perspective. That’s what education is all about, right? The most popular is probably Tribble, so we recommend starting there.

Get Photographed  by Dean Shore

Wake Forest’s resident barber doesn’t just cut hair — he’s also a campus celebrity and a great photographer. He snaps pictures at all of the biggest campus events. Friend him on Facebook (if he hasn’t added you already) for a digital scrapbook of your four years here.

Go to a Trivia Night

Whether you attend one of Student Union’s themed Trivia Nights (every Tuesday at Shorty’s), or are stumped at Foothills Brewery’s crazy hard questions, trivia is fun to do with friends. Even if you don’t win.

Party at Posties

“Posties,” short for “post-exams,” is a crazy few days in which Wake Forest (and UVA) students arrive at Myrtle Beach, S.C., in droves. It’s most popular with upperclassmen, but some underclassmen go, too. It’s the best five days you’ll ever forget.

Swing on All 7 Swings

There are seven swings littered around Wake Forest’s campus. Try to find them all, then let your inner kid loose.

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