True crime is a division of criminology that involves the real stories behind some of the world’s most renowned cases, many of them now cold. The podcast series, Crime Junkie, deals with such cases, seeking to explain the facts of the case rather than solving the mystery. The series is produced and hosted by Ashley Flowers and co-hosted by Brit Prawat, and their show has released 114 episodes to date.
With each episode dealing with a different muder or kidnapping, the hosts spend time examining every detail of the file that the police and investigators have already learned. By dramatizing the storyline to engage the audience, the podcast comes off as a good story rather than a real life situation. From Jeffrey Epstein to Rodney Reed, Crime Junkie attempts to explain the what, how and why of each case. The fact that the case is cold allows the audience to feel as though they are contributing somewhat; with the right audience member listening to the facts of the case, the likelihood of solving the case increases.
The podcast is hosted primarily by Flowers, a voluntary detective and member of the board of directors for Crime Stopper of Central Indiana. Her passion for crime and mystery spurred the idea for a podcast that discusses what’s going on in the world of crime. The show is co-hosted by Prawat, a fellow crime enthusiast, or “junkie,” who has experience working in private investigation, but is adamant about the fact that she is not an expert in the field. The duo of Flowers and Prawat work to detail the facts of the case, and spend countless hours outlining the timeline and evidence as reported by the authorities.
One of the most notable episodes of Crime Junkie deals with an alleged murderer, Lizzie Borden, who reportedly killed her parents. Despite being acquitted, Borden was publicly accused by not only her country, but by the entire world, of committing the infamous crime. However, multiple other suspects existed, and Crime Junkie details each and every possible alternative to Borden having committed the crime.
As the story goes, Borden lived in the small Massachusetts town of Fall River in the 1800s with her sister, father and stepmother. Due to a shaky relationship between Borden and her stepmother, experts found motive for the murders. Yet, Flowers and Prawat discuss the layout of the house, family relationships and medical records to determine who actually killed her mother and father.
Other interesting episodes include “The Green River Killer” (Ep. 28), “Robert William Fischer” (Ep. 5) and “Kenia Monge” (Ep. 22). Since this podcast includes many cold cases, numerous loose ends are left untied. By providing the details of the case, Flower and Prawat allow the listener to determine the ending for themselves; as everyone knows, playing the detective is the most fun role.