Student Government Report from February 25th

(Courtesy of Student Government)

Jessica Schmidt, SG Beat Reporter

I. Executive Reports

President Miles Middleton reported on his meeting with Provost Kersh this past week regarding university actions to prevent another surge in COVID-19 cases. Secretary Caroline Walker shared about the new virtual office hours being hosted by the Student Government Executive that will allow Wake Forest students to meet with the executive to ask questions or share concerns. These hours, including their respective Zoom links, will be published soon. Chief of Staff Drew Skilton reminded students that the constituent concern form is still up and ready for students to send in their concerns. Staff Advisors Tim Wilkinson and Shauna McNeil shared that the food trucks on the lower quad were a success with over 260 people in attendance, and are looking forward to more food truck Tuesdays.

II. Committee Reports

The Academic Committee began planning for Faculty Appreciation Week. It will most likely take place the week of April 4. The Campus Life Committee and the Public Relations Committee shared that they have begun to work on logos for Mental Health Week. The Physical Planning Committee reported that they are working on answering constituent concerns that have been sent in through the constituent concern form and the Student Organizations Council was excited about resuming the chartering process for student organizations.

III. New Business

The Senate introduced and passed Resolution 10 to co-sponsor an event held by the Alexander Hamilton Society featuring a Zoom call with former CIA Director David Petraeus. The resolution passed with 42 in favor, one against and three absentees.