Discover Wake Forest extracurriculars

Take advantage of the variety of different extracurriculars offered by Wake Forest

Journalism awards hanging on the walls of the OGB’s office.

Selinna Tran, Life Editor

Wake Forest is home to hundreds of student organizations, with more being created every semester by the imaginative minds of the Wake Forest student body. From a sustainable fashion organization that was just recently created (Wayward Fashion) to the organization that is delivering you this paper (shoutout Old Gold & Black!), there are so many different avenues to explore.

While it is important to think about the aspects of these different organizations and consider what is beneficial for you and your academic journey, there is no limit or requirement toward what you want to do. This includes branching out and taking the initiative to join an organization that might not be in your comfort zone.

Prior to joining Wake Forest, I had never considered journalism or working for the newspaper and I got involved on a whim after receiving an email about being a production assistant during the fall semester of my sophomore year. A year and an abundance of memories and experiences later, I have a place that I love and look forward to returning to when I am back on campus.

You could choose to further your academic pursuits and reach out to various academic organizations such as Wake Women in Computer Science, Neuroscience club, Pre-Law organization, etc. Even if you are unsure of where your career path may lead, these organizations can provide you with the right tools to help decide.

Service and fulfilling the Pro Humanitate spirit of Wake Forest may be more in your wheelhouse and community service organizations such as Campus Kitchen or Campus Gardens may suit your fancy. 

Even if you believe your interests are too niche and you may not find a place on campus to explore them, there is a chance that someone else on campus has the same interest as you. You are encouraged to find these like-minded people to create an organization that will make a lasting impact on the campus and the community. One of the newly founded organizations of the 2020-2021 school year started with a simple passion and interest (World Tea Association) and has attracted many different members as the club continues to explore the history and culture of tea.

What used to be a couple of students furthering their love of gaming is now a full-fledged e-sports organization that will be competing in various collegiate-level e-sports competitions this school year. The WFU e-sports club is working towards moving towards bigger and brighter things as there are plans in the works for a full e-sports lab located in the Sutton Center.

There is no right or wrong organization for you, and the best part about all of these different extracurriculars is the ability to explore and figure out what you would like to be a part of. College is a time for this exploration and Wake Forest provides the resources and there are many different aspects of life within these organizations for you to leave your mark on.