SAPSA Committee to begin work

Student Government’s Nov. 30 resolution approved the charge and membership of the Sexual Assault Prevention, Support and Accountability Committee

(Courtesy of Student Government)

Emily Toro, Assistant News Editor

Student Government passed a resolution to formalize the charge and membership of the Sexual Assault Prevention, Support, and Accountability, Executive Advisory (SAPSA) Committee, during its Nov. 30 meeting. 

“In consultation with the Student Government President, the SAPSA Committee Co-Chairs have formalized an intended purpose, charge, and goal of this executive advisory committee, as well as nominated students from across campus who would be valuable assets in furthering this work,” according to the minutes of the Nov. 30 Student Government meeting. 

Pilar Agudelo and Jackson Buttler will serve as SAPSA Committee Co-Chairs.

As stated at the meeting, the formal charge of the new SAPSA committee will include implementing a university-wide sexual assault campus climate survey and acting on potential issues discussed in it. 

In addition, the committee will “provide feedback on expanded prevention strategy recommendations” as well as “frame goals and plans around forming an environment in which all members of the community have the support of the university and their peers to challenge the norms that allow for sexual assault and violence to occur on college campuses.”

The committee plans to operate as a “bridge” between students and leaders in working towards these common goals. 

The student government meeting also outlined these goals which include providing feedback on their intended survey, maximizing the response rate of the survey, fulfilling the role of leaders, “to promote prosocial behaviors,” and helping intentionally create a supportive campus community for survivors. 

Other members of the SAPSA committee are as follows: 

Sakina Barthe-Sukera, Abby Bermeo, Lillie Davenport, Cameron French, Helen

Haile, Jackson Haskell, Sloan Hurley, Jeannine Lynch, Isabella Mason, Taylor

McCabe, Badr Merdassi, Elizabeth Moore, Carly Nelson, Maggie Onsager,

Harper Shanly and Joe Wyche.

Bevin Burns and James Conte will serve as members of a sub-committee for the Campus Climate Survey distribution.