Wake A-Z

Learn about all things Wake Forest with this helpful guide

Old Gold & Black Archives

After important wins for the Wake Forest football and basketball teams, students race to Hearn Plaza to throw toilet paper in the trees in celebration.

Meredith Prince and Adam Coil

When first arriving at a new school, first-year students will anxiously search the web to find all the information they can about their new home. Surprise, surprise — you can’t find everything. Never fear, we have put together your very own personal dictionary to help you learn about the most iconic things at Wake Forest and to share the hidden truths that you won’t find on Google, Urban Dictionary or WIN. This is Wake Forest A to Z.


Named for celebrated writer, poet, and professor Maya Angelou, Angelou Residence Hall is by far the nicest dorm on campus. Built in 2017, this dorm boasts a beautiful first-floor common area, huge rooms with sinks and air conditioning, high-speed elevators and brand-new lounges. If you are lucky enough to be one of the chosen first-year students to live in this luxurious space, don’t take it for granted — it’ll be your best dorm over the next four years by far. Not to mention all of your friends will complain about how jealous they are.


Benson is a hub of miscellaneous activity on campus. In the basement, you will find the mail room, which always takes a day or two to process packages, so plan accordingly. The food court is located on the second floor of Benson. If you want Chick-fil-A, expect to stare at a sea of backward hats as you wait in line for eternity. There are study spaces, the Pugh Auditorium, the copy center and meeting areas for campus organizations on the upper levels — like the Old Gold & Black! (Room 518, first door to your right as you leave the elevator).


You’ll likely notice masses of girls walking around on nights out wearing the same color Converse high-tops. But never fear, it’s not a cult, it’s just a sorority. Some of these colors include red, green, pink and 27 variations of blue (seriously, why do half of them have the same color?) I have no idea when or why this tradition started, but be wary of the shoes you wear out during your first few weeks (Just kidding. Wear what you want!)


It’s Saturday morning. You’re exhausted and ill from the night before. What better way to regain energy and health than spending your entire afternoon in a muddy frat backyard with free food and drink? Some may say the darties (day parties) at Wake Forest are even better than the Friday narties (night parties). Who can blame them — where else can you heal your inner child besides a yard with large bouncy houses and ridiculous outfits?

Eight A.Ms

You might think you’re doing something clever by taking 8 a.m. classes to “get them out of the way” and to “finish your day early.” You’re wrong. Waking up for an 8 a.m. lecture is Hell in its worst form. Don’t do it.

Fertilizer Fire

Just kind of hoping this one doesn’t become a tradition.

Greek Life

Greek Life is the driving force of the vibrant social scene at Wake Forest. Have your Wake Wednesday plans laid out in advance, and for the guys out there, don’t even waste your time strolling down Polo Road if you don’t know at least three frat brothers. 

Hit the Bricks

Students, staff and faculty have fun running laps on Hearn Plaza in Hit the Bricks. (Courtesy of WFU News)

One of Wake Forest’s most popular traditions is a campus-wide philanthropy event to raise money for the Brian Piccolo Cancer Research Fund. Hit the Bricks includes live music, fun activities, food, guest speakers and most importantly, running laps around Hearn Plaza (a.k.a. the Quad). Better start training now!

Intramural Sports

Intramural sports are a great way to meet new people who are into the same activities as you while getting in some enjoyable exercise. 

The Joel

The Lawrence Joel Veterans Memorial Coliseum is where the tall guys play hoops. Sometimes there are parties there too. All around cool place.


Krankie’s is your ultimate brunch location. You will have to leave campus, but the breakfast sandwiches and pleasant ambiance make it worth your while.


Did somebody say Thirsty Thursday? LR is the most popular bar for Wake Forest students — you can even use your student I.D. to get in with a discount before 10 p.m! Just be warned, if you’re under 21, the bouncers take those X’s on your hands very seriously. But hey, at least they have a huge stripper cage on the dance floor.


Magnolia is an important word to the Wake Forest community. From the magnolia trees covering our campus, to the student-run magazine “The Magnolia” and the elevated dining experience offered in the Magnolia Room, it is clear that magnolias are central to the Reynolda campus experience. It is also the name of a North Campus residence hall. 

North Carolina Rivalries

Duke, UNC, NC State; we hate them all. And they hate us too. But these North Carolina rivalries are what make the sports seasons special. You won’t want to miss these games!

Old Gold & Black

The Old Gold & Black is a great outlet to express yourself in just about whatever manner you please. Whether you want to share your art, spread your opinions or work on your journalism skills in general, the OGB offers the resources and guidance that you need.


The Pit will take care of all of your dietary needs. Salad, soup, fruit, sandwiches, pizza, eggs, bagels, desserts and vegan options are served every day, with entrees at the True Balance, Southern and International stations varying each meal. Rush hours are 12-1 p.m. and 6-7 p.m.

Rolling the Quad

A notorious tradition at Wake Forest following any big football or basketball win), students gather at Hearn Plaza and throw toilet paper rolls everywhere. Literally everywhere. These rolls are compostable, but they stay in the trees for weeks. How beautiful!

Reynolda Trail

The Reynolda Trail is a refreshing addition to campus. It’s the perfect place for a scenic run or a casual walk with your friends. I highly recommend aimlessly wandering until you find a secluded bench to take in some much-needed alone time.


If you didn’t eat Subway before coming to Wake Forest, you certainly will now. As the only 24-hour restaurant on campus, you’ll find yourself here quite often after nights out. The line becomes extremely long, but you’ll think it’s worth it — we all do. Just be nice to the workers — they don’t get paid extra to deal with hundreds of inebriated students at outrageous hours of the night.


One thing that typically engenders a unique sense of community amongst Wake Forest freshmen is the quirky and confusing layout of Tribble Hall, which is where you’ll typically find your English, history and first-year requirement classes. Just plan on leaving extra early before your first class.

University Theatre 

Located just off of Davis Field (the left one), the Scales Fine Arts Center is generally agreed upon to be visually disappointing for an arts building. However, inside you will find the University Theatre, where some of Wake Forest’s most talented musical and theatrical acts perform, as well the sketch-comedy group, the Lilting Banshees.

Village Juice

Located on North Campus, Village Juice gets you your fix of delicious smoothie bowls and salads. Healthy AND refreshing! And ridiculously overpriced.

Wait Chapel

Perhaps the most iconic building on campus, Wait Chapel overlooks Hearn Plaza and is beautifully lit up at night. Various ceremonies and speakers take place inside the Chapel with its luxurious interior. Your parents will want a picture of you in front of it, and will definitely post it on Facebook. 


The best way to meet people on campus is to get involved. Attend the activities fair, find a club you like, and put your name down. Extracurriculars add an element of both fun and accomplishment to your college experience. Don’t miss out on the amazing opportunities extracurriculars can offer!


Benson’s most cost-effective dining choice. Customers who show up around half an hour before closing time tend to receive much bigger portions — just something to keep in mind.


The Z. Smith Reynolds Library is where you’ll find most students attempting to get their work done. The higher up you go, the quieter it gets (which means students will use the first few floors for social hours!) Good luck finding a spot during exam weeks.