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Demon Deacon LoL team finishes season

Demon Deacon LoL team finishes season

Last week was the end of the road for the Wake Forest League of Legends Team A — their playoff run ended with a loss to Washington State University.

Wake Forest Team A is in Division II of the Collegiate Starleague, which is an organizer for university e-sport regular seasons, playoffs and tournaments.

With the end of this spring season, the League team will have a long summer of practice to prepare for the fall season. The team ended the regular season with six wins and one loss, with each win or loss coming from a three game series. Wake Forest’s team was first place in their group and got a spot in playoffs with 128 of the top teams from Division 2. The Deacs then won their first two rounds to make it to round 32 of Division 2.

First they beat Drexel in the round of 128 and then beat the University of Alaska in the round of 64; both wins being a series win of two games out of three. The loss against Washington State means that this season, Wake Forest ended in the top 32 teams in Division 2. This is quite big news for the Wake Forest League of Legend’s team history. Even with their impressive regular season, going this far was not something foreseeable. With there being 228 teams in Division 1 or the ULoL league, Wake Forest ends this year off top 250 in the nation for League of Legends. Next year, the plan is to continue having two teams in Division 2, and promoting one team to Division I.

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When asked for final thoughts on the season, team captain Sakamuri said, “gg ez.” This a common phrase in the gaming community and it stands for “good game, easy.” The team coordinator Yan Cheng said, “As a team of Wake Forest University, we always set friendship before competition. We always try to give positive impressions to other teams and foster a happy environment of the team because we believe that our team not only stands for the League of Legends/E-Sports scene but the Wake Forest University sports scene.”

The team consists of six players; Yan Cheng (junior), Greg Campbell (junior), Sashank Sakamuri (sophomore), Ziji (Fred) Zhang (sophomore), David Ajamy II (sophomore) and sub Brett Hodgdon (sophomore). This team has been together now for a full year but with tryouts ever year the team will be shaken up next fall. Each of the players has their own respective roles in the game and they each have in-game names or IGN.

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