Wake Forest celebrates Women’s History Month
The Women’s Center hosts events focused on women’s wellbeing and professional development
March 24, 2022
March is Women’s History Month (WHM), and the Wake Forest Women’s Center has been sponsoring events — and will continue to partner with other campus organizations — to highlight the accomplishments of women and educate students on women’s issues.
This year’s theme is “Legacy”; and the Women’s Center will work to feature women in leadership positions on all levels from local to national. One woman in a prominent leadership position on campus is President Susan Wente, whose inauguration will be held during WHM on March 25.
“The ‘Legacy’ theme emerged partly because of the time we are in with our first female president of Wake Forest as well as many women in leadership positions around campus,” Women’s Center Interim Director Erin Adamson said. “Women’s History Month is a chance to shine a spotlight on all the political, social, scientific and environmental contributions of women and femmes to our everyday lives. I would like students to take away how women in our Wake Forest community are making a difference and making history.”
She continued: “I think that representation is really the first step. I think the more you can see someone who looks like you in a position of power, the more it might encourage you to pursue that,” Adamson said.
For the rest of the month, the Women’s Center will host events to support women’s wellbeing in all aspects. On March 26, it will host “Yoga Flow for Feminine Empowerment” in partnership with the Black Student Alliance. It will also co-sponsor “Sexual Education 101” on March 28 with the Office of Wellbeing.
In addition to events focusing on women’s health, they will also host events for women’s professional development. On March 31, alongside the School of Business Board of Visitors and the Women’s Leadership Forum, it will host the “Women’s Networking Forum”. Also on March 31, the Wellbeing Center will host “Breaking the Stereotypes: Women in STEM!”.
The Women’s Center encourages students to attend Dr. Susan Wente’s inauguration on March 25 at 3 p.m. via live stream. On March 27, there will be an inauguration worship service in Wait Chapel sponsored by the Women’s Center and Wake NOW (Network of Women).
“I hope that some of these events will inspire our female students to speak up for themselves in the workplace and [also inspire them to] remain confident throughout their job searches,” said senior Julia Caravello, Student Communications Coordinator for the Women’s Center.
Caravello has been working in the Women’s Center since she was a sophomore and has found it to be a comforting and safe space. She hopes this month will catalyze student discussion surrounding gender.
“Working in the Women’s Center has opened my eyes to so many aspects of gender that I would have never even considered,” Caravello said. “This month, I hope that all students take the time to consider gender roles and maybe even start discussions about those roles amongst their peers.”
Outside of WHM, the Women’s Center regularly hosts programs such as “G-Chat” or “Gender Chat”. G-Chat is held biweekly in Benson 314 for undergraduate students to discuss how gender issues affect students. Their next event, “G-Chat: Gendered Language in the Classroom”, will take place on March 28 at 12 p.m. and will focus on bias and stereotypes in classroom settings.
To learn more about the Women’s Center and WHM programming, visit their website.