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Student Government General Assembly

Student Government General Assembly

I. Executive Reports

President Miles Middleton addressed the suggestion that was brought up in cabinet regarding accountability with the SneezSafe survey. He will be working with administration to see how the survey can hold students accountable. He is also bringing up the concern about the use of the LVJM Coliseum as parking for the Trump Rally held on Sept. 8. 

Speaker of the House Ally Swartzberg announced that the deadline to run in the freshman election has ended and campaigning will begin starting tomorrow. 

Treasurer Victoria Parker reported that SBAC has been busy hearing presentations.

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Secretary Caroline Walker is excited for the upcoming Student Government Retreat on Sept. 27 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. where the freshman senators will be welcomed by the rest of student government.

Chief of Staff Drew Skilton reported that all of the interviews for senate appointments had concluded, and that he believed the appointees would be good additions to student government.

II. Committee Reports

Academic Committee had various announcements after their meetings with the Office of the Dean of the College this past week. They reported that the university is working to improve signage that shares more details regarding the COVID-19 policies of the university and is working on adding features to the COVID-19 dashboard that have more specific details about cases. The committee also shared how they are discussing with administration the possibility of releasing information regarding the consequences of students who have gotten in trouble for not following the Code of Conduct. 

They hope that the release of this information will persuade students to follow policies more carefully, but the university has not given its approval yet. Following a constituent concern, Academic Committee is planning to meet with the ZSR Library to increase and change its hours to benefit more students. They also hope to release information about the Major and Minor Fair soon.

Campus Life Committee shared that their First Year in Focus mentorship program orientation was successful, and they are looking forward to the continuation of the program.

Judiciary Committee shared a presentation that served as a refresher of the rules and etiquettes of senate behavior. They are also working to review processes and put together a pamphlet with all Code of Conduct information. 

Diversity and Inclusion Committee shared that the President’s Commission Report will be moving forward into the next phase. 

Public Relations Committee  announced that they had posted reminders about the freshman elections packet this week and are continuing to report university-affiliated accounts.

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