Panhel to host talent show
The talent show will raise money for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation on Oct. 18
Panhellenic Vice President of Community Relations Hannah Coates says that the organization is excited to return to in-person philanthropy.
October 14, 2021
On Oct. 18, the Wake Forest Panhellenic Council is hosting a talent show to raise money for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
Breast cancer is the second-most common and deadly cancer among American women. One in every eight women will be diagnosed, and one in every 39 will ultimately succumb to the disease. Throughout the world, there are many organizations — including the Breast Cancer Research Foundation — that are committed to finding a cure, improving detection technology and improving the general wellbeing of breast cancer patients.
“[Proceeds of the show] used to go to the Susan G Komen Foundation,” said Hannah Coates, Vice President of Community Relations for the Panhellenic Council and head organizer of this year’s event.
Coates continued: “We decided that since we were putting on a new event, we are going to be supporting a new organization.”
Coates said that while the fashion show was a fun event for participants and attendees, a revamping of the annual breast cancer fundraiser was necessary.
“I was talking to the whole group about how there were probably better ways that the Panhellenic community could support and represent women,” Coates said. “There’s this societal pressure based around the beauty and the physical component of breast cancer, more so than most other forms of cancer. So, to do a fashion show, we just felt like it placed a little bit more emphasis on appearance than necessary.”
Though the main attraction is changing, many of the auxiliary events are still the same. Before the talent show begins, there will be a silent auction consisting of baskets from the various Panhellenic sororities and local Winston-Salem businesses. There will also be an informal speech from a breast cancer radiologist about what women in their 20s should know about breast cancer. Coates also hopes to line up a breast cancer survivor to speak, but as of now, the Council is currently still working out the logistics.
The majority of the donations will come from the silent auction, but the Panhellenic Council also organized a few single-day fundraisers this week. On Oct. 12, the Council held a spin class at Cyclebar in downtown Winston-Salem where all registration fees went towards BCRF. On Oct. 13, the council partnered with the Chipotle by Hanes Mall for a fundraiser in which 33% of sales during a four-hour window were donated to BCRF.
The show will be from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in Benson 401 on Oct. 18.
“We are getting a stage, a sound crew and I think it will be able to seat 400 people,” Coates said.
Tickets are $5, and there will be food and T-shirts available to purchase, as well.
Unlike the fashion shows of the past, anyone will be allowed to participate, regardless of Panhellenic affiliation. There are still a few performance slots available, which can be claimed via the Linktree, on the @breastcancertalentshow Instagram page or via the QR codes the organizers have hung around campus.
Coates is excited to see her and Panhellenic’s hard work come to fruition.
“This is a really special opportunity, and our first opportunity for Panhellenic in a very long time, to be able to gather in a big event space like this,” Coates said. “I see this as an opportunity for people to come together, to celebrate each other and to also be reminded of the struggle that so many people endure. Breast cancer is something that affects so many of us and so many of our loved ones. This will definitely be a night to learn, a night to learn, laugh and be together in solidarity all while fundraising for this cause.”